MLK wisely said: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Yet YOU condone giving an advantage to one race over another. That is racism pure and simple. What if you're not black but Asian or Indian? Don't feed us this white supremacist majority crap.
One more thing. Don’t condemn us for quoting part of MLK’s Dream speech. The color of one’s skin should not be a factor, period. He said what he said. If he didn’t mean it he shouldn’t have said it in the first place. It’s a profound statement. And he was a believer in Jesus Christ who also taught equality of the races.
Jim, I'd invite you to open the link and actually read the words therein including those of the man whose legacy you have distorted and co-opted into your delusional narrative. I'd also invite you to back up and get a load, but you are already so full of shit as evidenced by your points #2, #3, and #4 above. Just pull your head outta yer ass, man. You got this. You don't have to live this way anymore.
Nice Jon. Hope you feel better. Your crude words don’t hurt me in the least. Clearly you lack the ability to reason logically and comprehend basic ideas. Your mind is closed in this regard. I feel sorry for you actually. I read your link in its entirety. Don’t assume that it’s conclusions are accurate, for they are not. By the way I don’t need the words of MLK to be assured of the realty that anyone who gives any advantage to a person of a different race in by definition, a racist. Just admit you’re racist. It’s ok to be honest. You’re attitude and vocabulary demonstrate the hate you have in YOUR heart for those of a different race than yours, and you’re a white guy, lol! I would examine that before you cast stone elsewhere. Goodbye forever. Your time is up.
Jon, I’ll play your game. 1) MLK was indeed a black man but you already knew that. 2) Affirmative Action was about giving one race an advantage over another which is in fact, racism. Do I need to repeat this? You appear confused regarding this fact. Correct me if I am in error. 3) SCOTUS has decided wisely to make it illegal. 4) When you say “they (another racist connotation since you refer to white guys) only know one quote”, this is an assumption on your part. “We” know lots of quotes. The one above happens to be accurate and appropriate which is why it’s used. Clearly you haven’t talked to very many black men who have been successful without A.A., and who would summarily be insulted by anyone suggesting they need an advantage because they are black. If you doubt this, I suggest you find the courage to ask them.
The folks who constantly look for fault in the United States can always find it, because no nation can provide everything to everyone. I hope these people find the time to travel to some other counties around the world, it can be a real eye opener, and provide a new perspective and appreciation for all the great things about America. As racist as some claim this country to be, people from every corner of the planet continue to want to come here and live. There is no such thing as total equality and if there was, everyone would hate it.
The basis of undoing Affirmative Action policies is the All Lives Matter campaign, which is a diversionary tactic to act like racism no longer exists. Having a firefighter for a father, I love the analogy I heard years ago - if your house is on fire, and “all houses matter,” do you want the firefighters to check each house in your neighborhood before they put out the fire at YOUR house? There is a reason that the adage “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” persists.
I am so sure that all races you defend are so smart and hard-working that they do not need your encouragements or incentives from the government. Such brilliant guys can get it to the top only by themselves whatever is put in front of them whatever happens in any High Court.
I am a white woman and I worked in higher education fundraising for years. I heard endless nonsense about the trials of affirmative action spewed out of the mouths of white staff and administrators. Mostly, they just proved how lazy their brains and bodies were - nobody wanted to do the "extra work" associated with considering skin color in the application process. The systemic oppression is real and it's active everywhere. The problems run so deep. 🤬
It is a lot of “extra work” to hide the fact that your blatantly discriminating against more competent Asian applicants using an unfalsifiable and insulting ‘personality’ metric like Harvard did.
i got tired of the **** and moved to africa. it felt like a weight fell from my shoulders. everyone is real nice. no racists! we got BLACK supremacy here dude. ill tell you about it! email me at somalialove at gmail dot com.
MLK wisely said: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Yet YOU condone giving an advantage to one race over another. That is racism pure and simple. What if you're not black but Asian or Indian? Don't feed us this white supremacist majority crap.
Were you aware that MLK. Jr's skin color and that of his children and grandchildren is black?
Peculiar question. Do my comments suggest otherwise? Did you read my comment?
One more thing. Don’t condemn us for quoting part of MLK’s Dream speech. The color of one’s skin should not be a factor, period. He said what he said. If he didn’t mean it he shouldn’t have said it in the first place. It’s a profound statement. And he was a believer in Jesus Christ who also taught equality of the races.
Jim, I'd invite you to open the link and actually read the words therein including those of the man whose legacy you have distorted and co-opted into your delusional narrative. I'd also invite you to back up and get a load, but you are already so full of shit as evidenced by your points #2, #3, and #4 above. Just pull your head outta yer ass, man. You got this. You don't have to live this way anymore.
Nice Jon. Hope you feel better. Your crude words don’t hurt me in the least. Clearly you lack the ability to reason logically and comprehend basic ideas. Your mind is closed in this regard. I feel sorry for you actually. I read your link in its entirety. Don’t assume that it’s conclusions are accurate, for they are not. By the way I don’t need the words of MLK to be assured of the realty that anyone who gives any advantage to a person of a different race in by definition, a racist. Just admit you’re racist. It’s ok to be honest. You’re attitude and vocabulary demonstrate the hate you have in YOUR heart for those of a different race than yours, and you’re a white guy, lol! I would examine that before you cast stone elsewhere. Goodbye forever. Your time is up.
Jon, I’ll play your game. 1) MLK was indeed a black man but you already knew that. 2) Affirmative Action was about giving one race an advantage over another which is in fact, racism. Do I need to repeat this? You appear confused regarding this fact. Correct me if I am in error. 3) SCOTUS has decided wisely to make it illegal. 4) When you say “they (another racist connotation since you refer to white guys) only know one quote”, this is an assumption on your part. “We” know lots of quotes. The one above happens to be accurate and appropriate which is why it’s used. Clearly you haven’t talked to very many black men who have been successful without A.A., and who would summarily be insulted by anyone suggesting they need an advantage because they are black. If you doubt this, I suggest you find the courage to ask them.
When you’re used to getting an unfair advantage, equality feels like oppression.
You are a liar and a woke communist. Words fall from your mouth, like shit from ass! 🖕🏻
Dude take your medication while they’re still time.
The folks who constantly look for fault in the United States can always find it, because no nation can provide everything to everyone. I hope these people find the time to travel to some other counties around the world, it can be a real eye opener, and provide a new perspective and appreciation for all the great things about America. As racist as some claim this country to be, people from every corner of the planet continue to want to come here and live. There is no such thing as total equality and if there was, everyone would hate it.
The basis of undoing Affirmative Action policies is the All Lives Matter campaign, which is a diversionary tactic to act like racism no longer exists. Having a firefighter for a father, I love the analogy I heard years ago - if your house is on fire, and “all houses matter,” do you want the firefighters to check each house in your neighborhood before they put out the fire at YOUR house? There is a reason that the adage “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” persists.
I am so sure that all races you defend are so smart and hard-working that they do not need your encouragements or incentives from the government. Such brilliant guys can get it to the top only by themselves whatever is put in front of them whatever happens in any High Court.
I am a white woman and I worked in higher education fundraising for years. I heard endless nonsense about the trials of affirmative action spewed out of the mouths of white staff and administrators. Mostly, they just proved how lazy their brains and bodies were - nobody wanted to do the "extra work" associated with considering skin color in the application process. The systemic oppression is real and it's active everywhere. The problems run so deep. 🤬
Please stop coddling minorities. It’s pathetic
How cowardly to post a comment like this without using your real identity.
Lmao. Sweetie when all you do is regurgitate the pablum you hear from the media you’re perfectly safe to use your real name.
It is a lot of “extra work” to hide the fact that your blatantly discriminating against more competent Asian applicants using an unfalsifiable and insulting ‘personality’ metric like Harvard did.
If an individual is discriminated against by virtue of their gender or race, they can still bring suit.
i got tired of the **** and moved to africa. it felt like a weight fell from my shoulders. everyone is real nice. no racists! we got BLACK supremacy here dude. ill tell you about it! email me at somalialove at gmail dot com.
I reported the “Undead” person for vulgar, racist comments. Totally inappropriate.
Me too. Unacceptable.