You have allowed yourself to become one twisted and deeply nefarious individual, Frederick - the inevitable consequence of lacking the strength, willpower and courage to let your intellect drive your beliefs and opinions rather than your emotion. Many of the worst atrocities were committed by those convinced they were doing good. You are in desperate need of objective self-reflection.

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Disagree. Frederick is simply saying that we don’t need to wish someone well who has committed atrocities against many people, including and especially marginalized communities. He did not comment on or call for the act of violence that apparently injured Trump to begin with. We can hope for a better future without political violence, but don’t also need to give our thoughts and prayers to a specific victim who has caused so much damage and suffering.🤷🏻‍♀️

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You are a piece of shit human if you think it's OK for a man to try to assassinate someone you don't "like." Fuck you and your "marginalized" bullshit.

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Gee wizz Kathy there is absolutely no way you're arguing marginalization doesn't exist.

Hm, say--are you familiar with slavery or Jim Crow laws?

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Live in the past, fail in the present, child.

I thought you had a headache?

Did you know Muslims still use slaves, and that slave traffic in Libya is quite strong?

We don’t do that anymore. We had this big fight.

There is no marginalization except in a loser’s mind.

Poor child. Take an aspirin.

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I'm sorry Kathy, I don't usually engage in this degeneracy but this is the worst take I've ever heard.

Please leave this platform, there is no place for your ignorance here.

Gee wizz Kathy I wonder that maybe 200+ years of slavery maybe mightve impacted black people economically. Look up "generational wealth."

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The only ignorant thing she said was to suggest the civil war was fought over slavery.

Who did Trump oppresss now? Not 200 years ago. Now.

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Your libtarded and low IQ excuse for an education has molded you into the perfect little DEI, race-hustling whiner, hasn't it?

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Well said, Kathy! The left's weaponized victimization is a grift used by gaslighters. They cling to it because apparently it's all they've got.

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Again Kathy, I tried to like your comment, but Frederick Mao Stalin does not allow any dissent on his page. 😂

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🎯🎯 boom👈🏻


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And some asshole figured out how to sneak racism into the conversation.

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she mentioned marginalization

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It’s always a cult


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Oh, we're in "the cult" 😂Fucking Libtards 😂

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You mean the laws that Democrats made, or the party of slavery (Democrats)

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Slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, Segregation= DemocRATs.

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Yes and someone died, because of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The left is ok with that.

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Yes, I'm ok with people who want me and those I care about harmed, dead. This is a perfectly healthy and normal defense mechanism and is behind the creation of militaries.

You red hats will find out, should the hammer drop that not all of us who despise Dump are unarmed.

The said, the shooter was one of yours, using a weapon you lot have done your damndest to make sure every American can get. Own it, Ivan.

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You are projecting onto me. Tools do not kill, people kill. No one tries a hammer in court, they put the guy who wielded the hammer in jail. Most people who hate Trump hate what they have been told about Trump, not what he actually did, said or is claiming he is going to do.

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Are you threatening people in this Substack thread? It sounds like you just said that if the “hammer drops” that your enemies (more than half of the United States) will discover that democrats own guns. How will this be discovered? Will you take to the streets and shoot conservatives? How very progressive of you.

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Only leftists get away with this type of threat. They get a hall pass. The courts are so corrupt, law enforcement is so corrupt and the government is ridiculously corrupt.

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You're incoherent. The innocent firefighter who died did not "want me and those I care about harmed, dead." In fact, his job saved lives. I know you don't appreciate the White men who put out the fires and keep the lights turned on because of your brain washing, but it doesn't change the facts.

All leftists have is fake, imagined victimhood to rationalize your own sick, cowardly hatred.

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If they ever exited fantasy land they would be shocked at reality.

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We're pretty worried, CUNT 😄😂

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Why would anyone want to kill you?

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He knows that nobody is trying to kill him. Leftists invent fake boogeyman so that they can spew their own violent fantasies and pretend it's justified. If shit ever got real, he'd pee his pants and hide in the basement.

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Frederick blocked me from liking your comment- Frederick isn't much for free speech I guess

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Yeah damn near

Miss 🎯🤡👈🏻

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You disgust me.

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Someone you “like” just got a “heads up” that he’s about ready to reap what he’s been sowing…let’s see if his “Unity” talk goes anywhere…you not “piece of shit human”.

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How's the weather in Leningrad, Anya? Lol you red hats...

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That’s the best you could come up with? Russia Russia Russia. I came here to see what the difference between “red hat” discussion and progressive liberal discussion was. You all have shown me. You believe what you’re told by an evil totalitarian regime that started hassling their political opponent before he was elected. You say forget your stupid thoughts and prayers. You hate. And hate. And judge. If it was Joe Biden this had happened to and it was even suggested that a nasty maga extremist had done it, there would be a repeat of the 2020 riots times 1 million. Civil war would be at our door. Have you forgotten there was looting, burning and riots the day president Trump won in 2016? And on you go. And on it goes. Violence and hate are your downfall. You just don’t know it yet.

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Leftists are ethically and intellectually lazy, and it's become a downward spiral where they attract more of the same while alienating thinkers with a conscience. It makes them depressed and crazy, then they blame Trump for that as well.

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Thanks Katie. I found the first sentence of the article telling. And I am struggling to see how one can argue that more human suffering resulted from Trump policy (Abraham Accords - the most significant ME peace deal since the Oslo Accords, no new wars - including no Russian annexation of Crimea or invasion of Ukraine) than under Biden (insisted that Ukraine reject a peace deal in Feb 2022, oversaw the disastrously inept withdrawal from Afghanistan causing untold suffering to the civilian allies, female judges and journalists, and the futures of the poor children, alongside the $100bn's of weaponry left to the Taliban, to start). Biden certainly comes across as a much nicer person than Trump, and he doesn’t incite such a strong emotional response in people. There is something to be said for that. But it’s not clear to me that he has been less damaging to aggregate wellbeing.

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I never said anything about aggregate wellbeing. I simply said that we don’t need to wish someone well who has caused damage and suffering. This is particularly true for people who have been negatively impacted by his damaging rhetoric and policies.

You might not personally be negatively impacted by Trump’s actions. For instance, if you are a white person, especially a white man, it would be easy for you to turn a blind eye to the devastation Trump has caused people because you aren’t personally affected. You are free to do all the well-wishing of Trump on your own time. But don’t tell a black man that he is “twisted” and “deeply nefarious” because he reminds us that we don’t need to wish well someone who actively works against his and other marginalized groups’ rights as human beings.

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You are garbage. Absolutely garbage. And we can call any man any thing we want. Why do you feel the need to white knight some some negro dude?

Are you feeling "marginalized"? does that support your wish for murder?

Lord, you are foul.

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Negro dude?? Racist much Karen??


You are

Showing your cult attributes.

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Karen's a beautiful Scandinavian name. Not the insult you think it is, since all you mean by it is "articulate White woman."

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Low IQ garbage can't figure out what it thinks. It relies on others to tell it what it thinks.

She no like Orange Man bad so she thinks it's all good good to cheer for his attempted assassination.

Most like some dark skinned whore with a self pity problem.

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Please go outside. You have given me a thorough headache.

Sincerely, Ezra.

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Grownups live and let live, child. Take an aspirin, and get right with reality.

Poor child. You need a gofundme to help with therapy. Poor baby.

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Can’t through to cult


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Still waiting for that list of Trump atrocities.

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Hurt feeling list, really.

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The party of corruption what hasn’t he done from fraud to rape to espionage to treason sedition bank fraud,

Charity fraud, the felon the fraud and a con.

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Atrocities? I’d like to see that list.

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You're retarded, like Frederick, the "hurt feelings" and MonkeyPox expert.

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Still haven’t explained any of the Trump carnage you keep spewing about.

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My God. That’s so horrible. What atrocities specifically against what marginalized communities?

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What atrocities?

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Who are you KIDDING? Frederick Joseph has the moral clarity and honesty most folks in this country lack. Including you. You're on the wrong Substack, Chad.

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An emotionally-charged impulsive response, Denise. How did posting this make you feel? Relief of the frustration you felt on reading my comment, which didn’t align with your unquestioned sense of moral superiority? And how does it feel now, upon re-reading it? A touch of shame at the defensiveness, lack of insight, and the adolescent insult, perhaps? That is ok. Anything else would be unnatural.

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Your response to Denise indicates to my nonemotional, non-defensive, adult perspective that belittling and demeaning people in intellectual discourse is a strategy that you feel comfortable employing when You have run out of persuasive argument. Hmmm, who does that sound like? Frederick is speaking for many of us who are feeling terrified about the results of this coming election and deep grief for what our country has always been and seems unable to move away from. If you are unable to hold and contemplate that perspective, maybe that's your work to do, my friend.

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He speaks for morons, self pitying morons who can't look up and see what's happening.

Talk to Amber Rose. Talk to Forgiato Blow. Both black, both totally committed to POTUS Trump, as are more and more wise blacks.

Not you, tho, your boi bleats and bleats and you lick it all up like a dog with his vomit.

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Thank you, Kathy! You just perfectly illustrated the point I was making. Frederick was not calling people names or being abusive, but thank you to the MAGA who have entered the conversation to let us know that we are all fucking morons. I come from a family where if you dare to share how you feel you get annihilated! I can spar with the best of them yet why bother.

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You're quite welcome. It's my good deed for the day.

I'm sorry you're blinded to the point of being on the side of self pitying fools, but there's always room for change.

Come along to the next rally, we'll have a coffee and you can meet people. Be good. :)

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But hurt eh Karen? 🤡🤡🤡🤡

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Why is it that men like you always use the word “emotional” in the pejorative? As if one can’t have emotions — we ARE after all human and that is the point — and be running on intellect as well?

Oh, it’s your toxic masculinity and the delusional belief that you’re the center of the universe. I still say you’re in the wrong Substack, Chad. But now, I know you’re looking for Creepy Robot Substack and you’ve stumbled on Human Substack.

Know how I *felt* about posting my last comment? Not a god damned thing, same as this one.

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Hon, you're sick. Very, very sick. Get help.

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Please stop calling people names. It does nothing but reflect badly on you.

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Ooooh that’s creepy Karen 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

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Denise- I am muting this thread because our community has been infiltrated and I don't need this kind of energy. Ideas, yes, abusive name calling and I'm out.

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Fuck off Ivan. How's that for a response you Russia loving maggat POS

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I like how Denise Conroe calls you all kinda of vile shit, then BLOCKS to keep from any response.

Typical leftist bimbo.

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Are you expecting introspection and reflective thought from a bunch of middle aged women? They will just repeat whatever headline they saw recently and that’s it.

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suck what I don't have, self pitying moron.

Only low IQ use CAPS to make a point.

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Eat a bag of MAGA dicks, Kathy. Enjoy Gilead…I mean Idaho.

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The fact that you have to refer to a make-believe feminist victim-fantasy (Gilead) shows how ungrounded you are in the real world.

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Or it shows that people know Gilead. No one ever talks about Idaho. Ever.

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You're talking about Idaho now.

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You are so full of shit.

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🎯🎯🎯🎯damn near miss.

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I want to like this comment more than once. You're on the wrong substack Chad haha

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I disagree. Frederick shows incredible insight into his own self. To play the denial of self game

to behave as others think you should behave is a form of cognitive dissonance.

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I’ve never read something so disturbingly manipulative and secretly nefarious so early in the morning. People died and were badly injured in this shooting and you’re going to recklessly say such insidious things, going as far to say “I’m not sure if it’s real or fake..” you’re feeding into more “dangerous” ways of thinking to the people who don’t do enough research to find what the truth really is in relevant situations. No matter how people feel about Trump, a heart that is clear and fully free from hate can see and feel in their conscience that considering the pain, horrible violence, and lives lost in this situation is far more important than political gain and manipulation. You and your team are in my prayers. I hope that you can reflect more with a truly open and caring mind.

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Can still be fake! He needed to get the attention back onto him. Biden was getting too much attention. His polls were going down. He needed to secure his support. Gun of choice 😉


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Regardless of theories and speculation, you’ve missed the point.

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You can’t be that stupid.

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Just wait for the Democrats to call for more gun control.

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"To claim Donald Trump as a grave threat to the existence of marginalized communities, and in the same breath hope for his well-being, is a tragic contradiction. It is a dance on the edge of a knife, a performance steeped in the absurdity of American moral theater. ' Brilliant! Thank you for giving me the language (based on experience and wisdom) to contain the anger and frustration I feel as I watch a nation become more complicit in our undoing.

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The funny analogy is " We wish literal Hitler a speedy recovery, so he can get back to it" lol. Whether the claim is fake or the sympathy is false. Wither way it is revealing

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When will it ever end?

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Very very powerful and well said !!!!!!!! As I was very surprised at the empathy from others. This man has spread hate and violence for 8+ years . He reaped what he sow

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You think it's "good" that a man tried to assassinate the former president, and in the meantime killed one man and critically injured two more?

You also are a foul piece of shit. Absolutely foul.

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Thank you for being a prime example in strawmanning 101.

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Reading comprehension skills need brushing up.

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Kathy is all up in her feelings about this and I'm not sure why.🤷‍♀️

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Yes! Yes! Yes! Karen. Yes! 🎯🎯 boom

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"When they go low—I go whichever direction gets us free."

Thank you, Fred, for this morning wisdom.

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He’s not in power but he’s a grifter ? Who made Trumps presidency unworkable with impeachments and false charges of Russian collusion? Who declared law fare? Who tried to bankrupt him? Who tried to kill him? If you believe in democracy you believe in the truth of your argument and your ability to convince people of the righteousness of it. You do not resort to any nefarious tactics and then believe you have the moral authority to do whatever is necessary for your fingers in ears version of the”common good”. You must ask yourself, who is the real tyrant.

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Leftists don't believe in democracy or fair play. They believe in emotions and crying "me me me" whenever they want attention.

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Another cult member. Get help.

He’s still a felon a fraud and a con and you all just don’t want to believe it.

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Pray tell, what "felony" did he commit?

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34 so far. 54 coming. I realize fox opinion gets stuck in your ears.

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And still with the name calling.

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Truly a hate-filled and disturbing post. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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The post is written on leftist logic.

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What a master of words you are 👏🏾. You're absolutely spot on that liberals want to feel some self righteousness at wishing a demon well, all while he schemes to destroy our lives; as if "at least we didn't stoop to their level" will keep us alive. These days I'm incensed daily at the apathy, cognitive dissonance and cowardly complicity so many demonstrate at the expense of our most marginalized and oppressed. I want to have hope we have what it takes to get free, globally, and live lives of dignity and in harmony with all life, but damn if it ain't obvious just how far we have to go to get folks on the same page so we can move accordingly. F*cking exhausting. May we all go in "whichever direction gets us free." Asé

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"To those who have supported thoughts and prayers for Trump, I say this: Your compassion is misplaced. Your empathy, selective. If you truly believe in the danger he represents, then your duty is not to hope for his recovery but to work tirelessly for his defeat. Your solidarity must be with those he seeks to destroy, not with the man himself. For in wishing him well, you reveal your true allegiance—not to justice, but to the preservation of your own comfort."

Thank you! It's this, this is so much the root of the problem!

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Powerful and spot on words. Sadly, this “attempted assassination” will only add fuel to the flame for those who believe Trump is the “chosen one”.

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This piece so perfectly sums up everything I've been thinking. The performative empathy and cowardice of the liberal left is so disgusting to witness, as they are falling over each other to send well wishes to a violent and dangerous white supremacist.

Then again, you summed it all up perfectly when you wrote: "When violence strikes the powerful, the privileged, the outcry is resounding, the calls for civility unending. But when it is the oppressed, the marginalized, the Brown child in Rafah, the Black family in Mississippi, the silence is as profound as it is damning". This beautifully encapsulates the essence of all that is wrong with our country.

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Yet democrats in authority all over America enable and encourage violence against the poor, the weak, and the minorities by refusing to protect them from criminals and refuse to hold criminals responsible. It is democrats creating, against, segregation, racist policies and child mutilation. Now you, and the formerly interesting Reich, are part of a nihilistic death cult.

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You are in a cult of the poorly educated. Get help.

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For the cult member, just look in a mirror. The dismissive, ignorance fueled arrogance you display is what cults depend on.

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Exactly. You target yourself with no self-awareness.

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The Democratic leaders wishing him well do so to preserve civility and avoid a chain reaction of similar attacks. The world leaders who are doing so recognize that Trump is the odds-on favorite to be the next president and that maintaining a degree of goodwill with the most powerful political leader in the world, who happens to be very temperamental and unpredictable, is an easy and effective gesture to make. I don't think that's difficult to see, and I don't think pointing out that there are people in the world who deserve more empathy than Trump is some morally wise point to make, as if that isn't something extremely obvious to most people.

I'm not sure what the thesis of this post is supposed to be. That people should not have sympathy for Trump because he is an oppressor and not a victim despite this attack? I understand that doesn't wholly qualify as an endorsement of political violence. However, it does seem like you want to create a societal atmosphere where people are indifferent when "oppressive" political leaders are assassinated. That kind of social environment seems like it tacitly encourages mentally unstable or politically extreme people to attempt to do so because they would be seen as heroes or martyrs rather than unhinged killers.

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He’s still a felon a fraud and a con. He’s dangerous and Jan 6 still happened.

Nothings changed.

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I don't imagine that most people who dislike Trump will suddenly support him because of this, and anyone not blinded by their partisanship wouldn't expect otherwise. What Frederick Joseph seemed to be asserting in his post is that the outcry against the shooting and well wishes sent to Trump is done so out of reverence or respect for him as a person. However, that is an intentional misinterpretation on his part of the fact that most people who do not like Trump would not want to see him assassinated because he is representative of a larger movement. Most people in America do not want to see widespread political violence break out over an event like this, causing a cascade of similar attacks or violent protests.

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The pathetic, circular rationalizations of the TDS industry to continue lying about Trump are long past threadbare.

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So all his and his cults calls for

Civil war




Are ok?? Got it. ✅🎯🤡

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Relying on yet more bs, like Russiagate, Ukraine collusion, Charlottesville, etc only makes you look like a pathetic bigot.

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And it’s true facts. Not alternative facts.

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Biden did all of that, not Trump. Leftists invert the truth on everything.

Can't wait to see Trump's face on Mount Rushmore, how hard will you cry then Dee Dee?

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His face will never be on the mt. He ass will

Never sit in the WH. The prison awaits and then poof gone.

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Thank you for this. It conveys a lot of my thoughts and feelings quite eloquently.

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Just to say, I am going to be thinking about this a lot.

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I came here to comment and then saw all the hatred, the toxicity, the judgement....and I just wanted to say thank you for writing a brilliant piece. It should be shared wide and far. I now realise the issue I have with the shooting is the outpouring of perfomative empathy, which you've explained so beautifully. And clearly, judging by the comments, bravely too. Thanks, Frederick.

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Well said Will.

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