Thank you for writing. We are stronger together.

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You are a disingenuous liar. Please stop taking advantage of the uninformed. You know full well what Trump meant, and if you shared the sentences before that sentenced you would not be able to manipulate people and keep them victims. God is watching.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

Did you actually listen to the entire speech? If you had you would know that he was talking about the auto industry and the damage to it that Biden has done and will continue to do if Biden is re-elected. It had NOTHING to do with an actual act of violence. STOP trying to redirect the narrative and STOP trying to sway people with your exaggerated reports. Guess what most of us read and study on our own and the smarter people will do their research without people like you.

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Liar, this was totally taken out of context. He was not talking about violence at all, economic violence possibly but not physical violence. Shame on you!!!

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Another riveting piece Frederick ❤️. Thank you for reminding us that we have been here before, and we’ll be there again if we don’t pay heed. One glance at the comments here shows exactly what you warn of. I don’t envy the choices American voters have right now. In my country (the Netherlands), currently a coalition is being formed out of 4 moderate to extreme right wing parties. Devastated as I am at the prospect of this future government, I can at least find comfort in the fact that I was able to vote for one of a number of left wing parties that aligns with most of my own views. Your choice is between a dangerously cunning, power hungry clown and a dangerously senile man, complicit in heinous war crimes in Palestine- and he is supposed to be your progressive option. A blank vote further risks victory for Trump. How do you deal with this? With what feeling will you go to the ballot box? I hope you will write a piece to shine a light on how American activists are dealing with this. Solidarity from across the big pond! ♥️

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Thank you for these smart insights, grounded in history, and directed actions. Pre-ordering your poetry for myself & school library. ♥️

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Oof. You nailed it! I have felt similarly re: people aren’t taking the signs (but just from T-rump) seriously enough about where things are, and where they are going.

We must remain vigilant and, assume the worst. That’s not pessimistic… it’s realistic.

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