thank you for writing this frederick, you are one of the most beautiful writers on the planet in my opinion and momentarily restore my faith in cis, straight people as an isolated lonely queer teen.

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This is sooo beautifully written!

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As both a gay man and a white one I can relate to the need to be an ally. For years I fought against myself, denying I was gay. I was my chief prosecutor and I hated myself. People around me, other than my parents, only reinforced that hatred.

It was only through the patient help and alliance of another man who has become my best friend that I finally have begun letting down my guard against others and grown to love and respect myself.

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So glad I subscribed to your substack. Beautiful words and teachings. 💛

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This is so dishonest. The rainbow crowd is the most legally protected class in history. You want more protection for this nonsense. They crept into every aspect of society thrusting their destructive ideologies onto children destroying them now and into the future. That is a suicide cult driven by global powers who want less population and an enemy easy to destroy. I am sure you will be richly rewarded for this drivel on social media. I hope you see the truth before your harm cannot be undone.

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You realize the grim history of harm towards children by those in the Christian church right? Pedophilia. Colonialism. Residential schools. Unmarked graves. It goes on and on. You're projecting and gaslighting.

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The Catholic Church as an organization is guilty of almost 2000 years of atrocities. They should repent, change their ways and make amends. That is not Christian. Christians are followers of Jesus Christ's teaching which is to harm no one. If anyone is being harmed, that is not Christian.

Colonialism was the British Empire, they had a thousand years of atrocities, and they should repent, change their ways and make amends. Neither group ever pays for their past sins, they blame everyone else and everyone else pays not them. I have done none of what you are claiming, I am not guilty by association, the guilty should be punished not everyone else. That is collective punishment that the Satanists, Communists and Power hungry do. I deny your claim of projecting and gaslighting, it is false.

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