Man, so real. As soon as I saw the title of this one, I thought about the SNL skit in 2016 with Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock who were the only unsurprised people in a room full of liberal white folks whose reality was about to be shattered when Trump won the election. Feels like the only thing we can do is emotionally prepare ourselves for round two. I don’t like thinking that way, I mean, I do believe in miracles, but.... 🫠

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This is it right here: “The failure of white people to confront other white people demonstrates the pervasive seduction of white supremacy — it lulls many into a state of passive complicity.” After Trump won in 2016 I had conversations with several people I went to high school with - all white - and we are no longer friends. They couldn’t even hear what I was saying, could only praise Trump. It was horrifying. I have family members I no longer speak to for the same reasons. January 6 was horrifying, and it makes me sick that Trump is still walking free, but like you said, it’s not at all surprising. Thank you, as always, for saying what needs to be said.

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Excellent piece. As a white person who openly and loudly addresses systemic racism and sexism, I find your words refreshing and honest. White supremacy has always been the greatest domestic terrorist threat. Thankfully, I have ZERO MAGA family and friends. They aren’t even allowed into my circle. And I do know plenty of white people now estranged from their MAGA family and friends, but I’m sure that they represent the minority. As you say, most white people are complicit.

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“This white privilege allows the narrative to be about 'differences of opinion' rather than a confrontation with the undercurrents of white supremacy.”

And this is why I no longer associate with certain people. They refuse to do the deep self analysis that would allow them to see that it is indeed white supremacy/privilege, and not just a difference of opinion.

Or, they know and are okay with it.

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The irony is completely lost on stupid white male racist trolls that come here to make themselves the perfect case study in the very thing you address. How triggered are they? Well, the triggered little "Bitch" here blocked me and yet I can still see his foul comments. My guess is that since Chris Best and Hamish McKenzie actively promote neo-Nazis, they will take zero action to remove this one. When white males are at the top, it's all racism and sexism and mediocrity while they have the audacity to tout a meritocracy. And these are the people who think of themselves as superior due to their whiteness. They are deluded pathological narcissists and psychopaths and they vote accordingly.

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A powerful piece from beginning to end. Thank you.

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Powerful article, I’ll be thinking about for days...But THIS IS some good news! Donald to pay 83 million to E. Jean Kelly for rape. Here’s some accountability happening in real time ➡️https://open.substack.com/pub/marytrump/p/now-donald-owes-83-million-to-e-jean?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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This was such an important message. Thank you for writing and sharing this. I feel like I restacked every other line (what's new?) but I don't think I've ever read it so perfectly and plainly said -- it has to be a personal reckoning because if not, we are just as complicit. Thank you for your words, always. They make the world a better place one paradigm-shift at a time.

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What a cuck this guy is. What’s the definition of a racist? Anyone who disagrees with a progressive

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You and many liberal demorats suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Hilariously you believe all your foolish lies like Jan 6 and basement sleepy Joe s ‘win’, etc

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Thank you, it’s a breath of fresh air to read this expressed this so clearly.

I imagine it’s tough to convince a Trump supporter to change their mind, given that their views aren’t based on rational reasoning or facts.

I’m concerned though that simply cutting people off leads to mutual ‘othering’.

What I’m talking about is how the far-right (and Christian conservative right) has so successfully appropriated and twisted the social justice narrative of the left.

I don’t know about anyone else but let’s take my father, who supports Brexit, a political view that belongs to the same brand of fearful white supremacy, although he would not acknowledge this. He has not changed his mind because of my arguing against him. He simply writes me off as poorly informed and sends me links to the EU-Brexit agreement or ‘delightful’ articles in The Philadelphia Trumpet for my edification!!

How can we take a stand without polarising society?

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boy, the RACISM TOWARD WHITES IS STAGGERING HERE...stop with the jealousy about whites building this country...and don't get me started on "diversity hires"...those idiots are the reason companies now have to hire the WHITE CONSULTANTS to fix the DOLTS BOTCHING EVERY JOB cuz the "diverse" are mostly dumb. Just look at BIG FANNY WILLIS...what a low IQ joke so a perfect example of horrific "DEI" ..:hopefully that means "DIE"'s real soon...

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Always enjoy your pieces, thank you for writing this.

An area I struggle with, or am always trying to figure out how to navigate, is the perceived "persuadables." Certainly, there is a (majority) slice of Trump's support (well, there are many slices but I'm just going to distill these to two for the purposes of this comment) that is immovable. They are overt racists/white supremacists, or just committed Republicans who would never admit to being that, but are okay with it existing if it helps them get what they want in the forms of conservative justice, lower taxes, etc. Many of these folks are of the type I have removed from my circles after having probing conversations, discussions, and arguments.

But there is another kind of voter, the "persuadable." The person who votes a soft R, and who seems pliable if I can figure out how to shift their paradigm slightly. I'm thinking here of someone like my father, who voted for Trump in 2016, but was furious with him by 2020 and who I finally convinced to shift his perspective on these issues and on his voting patterns by explaining the long-term impact of de facto and de jure racism of past and present housing policy in the US on the net worth of Black families.

Is it not our job as white people to hold the former group accountable (and make them pay the price for their actions), but to also try to build our movement/community by engaging with the hostility/racism of those whom we might be able to deprogram?

I don't know the answer. It's something I struggle to figure out. And maybe I'm in the wrong for throwing this lifeline to people who have committed the act of violence of supporting Trump. But opening it up here as a conversation starter. Maybe someone else is thinking the same thing and wants to know they aren't alone...or has thought about the same thing and has an answer.

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Thank you for this reminder, I guess we need them...sigh. Here's my take:

2024's consequential election season looms. Psychiatrist Ravi Chandra takes a look at the Far-Right playbook and the choice between autocratic and egalitarian-in-progress choices, with a focus on psychology, propaganda, and dangerous influences that are amplifying chances of violence.

MOSF 18.12: Election Season 2024: Deconstructing the Trump/Far-Right Playbook and Propaganda, and Constructing a Positive Response From Our Shared Humanity and Reality – East Wind ezine (December 1, 2023)


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Oh how I wish I was a nigger, and then I could find a tribe that would accept me; :)

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