As I see the sun rising in the east, the beauty mingles with my sadness of our world gone astray. Not only am I alive, but I am privileged, I am surrounded by the beauty of a rural landscape coming awake, a red shouldered hawk flies over his territory welcoming the day with his cry, chickadees chirping, cardinals on the feeder. Spiders that wove their webs overnight to catch their dinner, seeking refuge as the day begins. My beloved border collie Jack and elderly tabby cat Oci sitting with me on the porch. I am truly blessed to be in this beautiful suffering world. Thank you for Joseph for this lovely psalm to begin my morning. Your words keep me focused on the wonders before us, allowing me to shove the sadness to the side for a while.
I'm so grateful for you ❤️🔥
Thank you, Fariha. Truly.
The beauty and bareness and truth and rawness and pain and hope and really, the perfect summation of life right now brought me to tears.
Thank you, Frederick. Your words, your voice… salve to my soul. Truly, you are a life-saver. 🤎
Such an incredibly important and beautiful reminder. Thank you so much.
Wow. Incredibly moving and shining with light 🫶
Thank you for giving voice to all these complexities and paradox
Hanging on to hope
Blessings ✨
Thank you.🖤
You are magic, my friend.
A breath of fresh air 💜🙏🏾🙏🏾
this is a great way to start my morning. lovely.
Beautifully said. Needed words. Thank you.
Thank you! I love this post. It's so true.
I needed to read this today. Thank you. You are certainly not alone. I am grateful for you.
Thank you.
Thank you Fred for capturing what I am feeling and seeing, but find trouble processing and articulating. Thank you for the reminder. 👊🏽
As I see the sun rising in the east, the beauty mingles with my sadness of our world gone astray. Not only am I alive, but I am privileged, I am surrounded by the beauty of a rural landscape coming awake, a red shouldered hawk flies over his territory welcoming the day with his cry, chickadees chirping, cardinals on the feeder. Spiders that wove their webs overnight to catch their dinner, seeking refuge as the day begins. My beloved border collie Jack and elderly tabby cat Oci sitting with me on the porch. I am truly blessed to be in this beautiful suffering world. Thank you for Joseph for this lovely psalm to begin my morning. Your words keep me focused on the wonders before us, allowing me to shove the sadness to the side for a while.