This reflection speaks very powerfully to the election campaign.

America has become a country where the talk of the town is who lampooned the other with the most bloody thrusts of the blade. It’s childish at best. Dangerous at the minimum.

Not a big supporter of Kamala Harris’ politics on issues such as Palestine and criminal justice, I thought that she did a good job at prosecuting a foolish ex president and known egotist, but I wondered if the country was shopping for a president with a rare vision, or for the sharpest blade. In middle school, students swoon over the takedowns. Are we the students or the adults in the room???

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Fantastic work as always critically appraising the debate. But I have one question about how VP Harris is referred to and addressed by everyone to the point that it is ubiquitous- she is continually referenced by her first name while others (men) are referenced by their last name (Kamala vs Trump). Not one time have I seen men in any discussion being referred to by their first name (Donald, Joe, Barack). It may seem minuscule, but as a Black woman I am particularly sensitive to how we (and women in general) are given our due respect (and/or honorifics) by others. Can we call on everyone who writes about VP Harris to change this?

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In a truly democratic society, third party candidates like Cornel West, Jill Stein, Claudia de la Cruz, and Chase Oliver would've been on the stage and ensured a substantive dialogue rather than the spectacle of an often incoherent narcissist advocating far right policies and a calculating, cogent political opportunist advocating neoliberal policies. For those interested in such a genuine democratic discourse, here is Dr. Jill Stein's response following the debate:


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Great analysis of the debate and what lies ahead for the population of the USA. I wholeheartedly do not want to see Trump re-elected. But I’m also not on board for Harris, though I sure wish I could be. First woman, first Black woman, first South Asian woman- yes please! But as noted, she is supporting genocide, cop cities, guns…. hard no.

The status quo is going to continue marching on - the system will continue working as designed.

I don’t know what the answer is other than an overwhelming uprising of the people. And that, too, has so much attached to it.

All I can do is continue to raise my voice against injustices seen and experiences, try to bring others along, and retain some hope that there is goodness in the world.

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Kamala has thrown the left under the bus, on the assumption they have nowhere to go, and she needs the center right. But she needs the left, and they have elsewhere to go. The Democratic party has shivved the left too long. Rahm Emmanuel was always a dead end.

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Trump and Repubs have moved the needle so far right, the center is now considered progressive.

Harris won the debate but you're right, what it does for America is completely unknown. We won't know until election day. Watching the debate though, it was nice to see Harris articulate what Biden couldn't.

I don't like her stance on Israel and I'll vote for her over Trump, but I'm hoping that once Trump loses, hopefully he's finally gone and America can start to work on real issues instead of the political clown show he's dragged us on for years.

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"Kamala did not simply rebut his talking points—she eviscerated them. She pressed and cornered him, exposing the empty center of his rhetoric for all to see." Gawd help us she did, too, but it won't be enough. Saint Grobian really has a hold on them. Nice to hear a voice that is vibrant and a mind tat is percolating, as we heard with K. Let's hope she doesn't devolve into kee-hope-alive-isms.

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I refuse to believe a majority of American women WANT to end their children’s lives for their own financial benefit.

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Want or choose? Our choices define us, irrevocably

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Thank you for your words in the world. I feel lucky to live in a state where my third party vote won’t put Trump in office.

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Our first step must be to destroy MAGA. Harris can do that. When MAGA is gone, the racists and trolls are back under their rocks, then, we can set about solving our problems with intelligence and grace. But first steps first....

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