And, there are those who will vote for him, in spite of his criminal status, to protect their own vast fortunes.

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And more who vote for him because of his criminal status… to protect their fantasies of having that power and money (the American obsession).

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Isn't that simply human nature, Jan?

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I did celebrate, but I'm also very aware that everything you said is true.

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My husband was celebrating yesterday, I was full of rage because I know even being a convicted felon won't matter and he will use this to rally his supporters. Also, as a lifelong democrat, I'm disgusted by the democratic party as well, especially with Biden's blatant support of the genocide that's being livestreamed in front of our eyes.

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I agree on everything you say about white privilege in America. Where, as a long time registered Democrat, I disagree, is that I think Democrats have little if anything to celebrate and they need listen more. Biden is leading a genocide. He’s also been a mainstay of the corporate neoliberal assault that vomited up/created the Trump phenomenon. Old news. He was close to Strom Thermomd. The passage of NAFTA was a devastating assault against the working class. His crime bill exploded the prison population with nonviolent offenders often given life sentences under enhancement laws that doubled tripled and quadrupled sentences compared with other countries, adding 70 new death penalties and hit communities of color especially hard, communities already suffering from those trade deals. Our white supremacy is that we see Ukrainians as worthy victims and Palestinians, Syrians, Libyans as unworthy. There were a few women in a bar I was playing music in last night, who were loudly celebrating Trump’s guilty verdict and they asked me what I thought. I said I do not like him but asked why would we celebrate when Joe Biden is continuing the Trump/Pompeo persecution of Julian Assange? Democrats are too busy with boutique activism and virtue signaling to stand with him. They suffer from profound TDS and it keeps them useless. Robert Deniro made a ridiculous speech that was void of any substance other than “I hate Trump cause he’s a rude prick.” Same ole same ole. Liberals have no interest in the censorship/1st amendment issue. They see the law as their last vestige of hope to cancel culture the Trump cult. Problem is the Christian fascists will not be stopped by law, they’ll make their own laws and seek revenge. Only by meaningful legislation that re-integrates marginalized groups back into society, as Hedges has written extensively about is there hope, other than kicking that can down the road another election cycle. It’s why I’m not celebrating. There’s a genocide happening and plenty of corruption to go around. How do we change things for the better when we live in a privileged dystopia and a hyper partisan mindset? I’d recommend Democrats watch Al Jazeera’s documentary about the Christian fascist movement who ride Trump’s coattails so that we can be emotionally and intellectually more prepared in case of the worst case scenario. Call the W.H and leave a message with the receptionist telling Biden Assange should be pardoned and no more weapons should be sent to Israel and that your vote depends on it. That the way to celebrate. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

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Agreed. I think it’s important to note that I said celebrate this specific instance of the Trump verdict. I’ve spent the last few months hyper-focused in my writings here focused on the genocide and Biden/Dems handing the presidency to Trump very likely.

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Thanks for writing all this. 100% agree. Our apparent choices are now a felon and a man who, were it not for his privilege and imperial protection, should have a warrant for his arrest from the ICJ too. I think the flame of hope lies outside the illusion that we have no real choice. We can make more choices, but on the street through resistance. See you there. ✊🏾

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Very well said. I am not black I feel exactly as you do. This is just going to make him more of a martyr and probably gain him as you said donations and potentially votes. Our country is becoming the laughing stock of the entire world.

My partner and I are seriously considering leaving the country permanently. That may not fix the problem but I don't think there is any fix person and all of those who follow him.

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Me, too, thinking to leave my home state of Texas and the US. I’m sick to death of the corruption and meanness. Where to go?

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a perspective that i never even considered before reading this. thanks for all the insight as usual.

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I would like to see you read this from the highest possible place for ALL to hear. I am not celebrating. I am frightened beyond belief.

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What happened on Jan. 6th says all you need to know about race and white privilege in America. The country was founded on white privilege and everything works to protect it.

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That’s what keeps me weary, the harder the left celebrates the charges, the harder the right doubles down on Trump. He is emblematic of the American dream precisely because his privilege is both white and monied

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Beautifully said. Thank you..

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I have not had a moment to read what is sure to be another amazing post, but my instinct is NO. Trump is but the white tip of a festering boil… the contents, the millions of “people” who support his dogma and rhetoric. I married into a family of these people and it is as frightening as you imagine.

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What's the most frightening story you are comfortable sharing, Claudia?

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Mind reader.

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This has been on my mind as well. Thank you for sharing... the challenge to be both candle and fire.

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Thank you for your thoughtful words. I agree completely. While I am happy trump was convicted, I am dismayed that he can just walk away from this. He will no doubt appeal, and stretch out the process. I am acutely and uncomfortably aware that things would be very different if his skin color was different. This is a horrible fact and it must change. Thank you for articulating it so well.

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BRAVO. 💯❤️

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I don't think it will matter - we saw him get more campaign funding after all. Whether it will increase his popularity I'm not entirely certain of, but the fact of the matter is that his fanbase will become even more radicalised and divisive. Regardless of whether we're left or right, I think we should all be pessimistic about what will happen in the coming months

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